
Have you also made good resolutions for 2024? Now that we've reached the end of January, it's time to reevaluate resolutions. The most common goals often revolve around personal health, such as exercising more, eating less sugar, or having more time for family and personal development. Imagine resolving to implement Jesus’ commandment in Matthew 28, “Go and make disciples of all nations…”. How would that change your city, your life and your environment?

Personally, I like to set goals that have to do with my spiritual life and ministry. For years I have let God show me what is in store for my next year. A few years ago my goal was to quickly obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. This led to impressive evangelistic encounters and people came to faith.

God has his own goals and the roadmap to achieve them. One of his current goals is to restore the apostolic ministry. Jesus as LORD of the harvest wants to reap the big and ripe harvest. The main goal of the apostolic ministry is to act according to Matthew 28,19:20-XNUMX - go to the unreached and make them disciples of Jesus.

Our society in Europe is divided into thousands of subcultures that desperately need the gospel. Without the apostolic ministry they remain completely unreached. Jesus expects us not just to talk, but to act. Are you ready to be sent? This doesn't mean going to another country, but to the unreached Albanian group, the punk group, the raver group, the prepper group, the esoteric group, the feminist group, the geocaching group, etc. The time is ripe to get involved in God's timetable. Make God’s goals your goals, not just for 2024 but for the rest of your life.

To implement the mission ministry, I have put together three tips and three biblical promises for you.


  1. Filling with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1.8)
  2. Training – We are ready to train you and share our experiences.
  3. harvest helper – Do you have a team with whom you can achieve this goal?


  1. Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are with us. (Mt.28,18.20; Acts 1.8)
  2. God has one large and maturity Harvest prepared. (Luke 10.2; John 4.35)
  3. God has prepared persons of peace in every place. (Matthew 10,1:XNUMX)

If you would like to learn more about the apostolic ministry, contact us.

We look forward to working with you to implement God's goals.

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