Generation Z for JESUS

Generation Z has many questions about the world and the future. On this journey they often find answers in the gospel. They are open to good news and actively seek closeness to God the Father. In Gen Z we are seeing a powerful spiritual awakening.

There are thousands of people who don't know Jesus yet, but who are open? That's exactly where I want to give you a hint. I want you these Introduce Generation Z, because there is a big harvest there ready. People born between 1995 and 2010 belong to Generation Z or Gen Z. Projects like “Fridays for Future” have made her known worldwide. Generation Z has recognized that the world needs to be improved and is ready to do something about it. They are looking for security, social justice and want to have influence. Here a great harvest field opens up to us at the front of the Kingdom of God Do you want to win this generation for Jesus?

Here are four motivating tips:

1. Evangelize where they are, in time & place

Spread the message of Jesus wherever you are - be it time or place. Generation Z is very much in the digital world, so we use the power of social media to share inspiring stories, short videos and discussions about relevant topics. For personal contact, we go directly to where you are - be it on the streets, at train stations or in bars. The late evening hours are particularly suitable for reaching their hearts and entering into a dialogue. This generation doesn't want to go to church, but is looking for community and a place where they can feel part of a family.

2. Build bridges with personal stories

Gen Z values ​​authenticity and relevance. Open your heart and share, personal stories, because therein lies the power to build bridges. Be authentic and let them feel that you understand their world and show how faith in Jesus can bring about positive change in your life. Pray for them and enable them to experience the direct power of Jesus first hand.

3. Discover the role as father and mother

What makes Jesus so unique is not just the love he proclaims or the authority he possesses, but the harmonious combination of both aspects. In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, Jesus' fatherly manner is like an anchor that holds on. Invite the young people to a cozy coffee time and create a space in which open questions can flourish. This not only enables the exchange of thoughts and topics of the heart, but also promotes the relationship. Generation Z is not looking for charismatic leaders; rather, she needs fatherly and motherly figures, who not only nurture relationships, but also have the courage to actively enter into the lives of others and lovingly correct them, becoming a supportive anchor in the midst of life's storms.

4. Show how they can change the world

Evangelization means introducing the fascinating personality of JESUS – the “world changer of all time”. He is actively looking for people willing to follow in his impressive footsteps. There is no one in all of history who has such transformative power as Jesus. No other concept or format in this world can have nearly as much impact as the conscious step of surrendering your life to Jesus and following him unconditionally.

Are you in?

I encourage you to call this young generation to follow Jesus. With Jesus you will change the world sustainably and profoundly. Generation Z is a big harvest field that needs harvest helpers. Are you wondering what happens next? We are at your side! With our training you will become one Top Harvesters, Disciple Makers and Church Planters. Gen Z are not just dreamers, but world changers - with JESUS ​​their initiatives will not only be successful, but also sustainable. 😊 Get trained and multiply what you live.

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