Kingdom Prayers

Every spiritual revival was preceded by prayer. We believe that when we Christians fast and pray, God moves His arm. Or as Oswald Chambers put it: “Prayer does not empower us for greater tasks. Prayer is our greatest task.” Do you want to specifically help to reach the unreached? Begin with the 12 Kingdom Prayers.

good ground

Pray for the hearts of the unreached to be like good soil, ready to hear and respond to the gospel. (Matthew 7,1:8-18 & 23-XNUMX)

knowledge of sin

Pray for the unreached to feel the weight of sin and realize that they need Jesus' forgiveness. (Matthew 11,28:30-XNUMX)

cross is revealed

Pray for people to be freed from the veil of lies about the cross that darkens minds and hearts. (2 Corinthians 3,16:17-XNUMX)

spirit is poured out

Pray that Jesus would meet the unreached in dreams, visions, and other powerful ways so that they would witness His greatness. (Joel 3,1:5-XNUMX)

send workers

Pray that God would call workers from around the world to the unreached world to plow, plant, water and harvest.
(Matthew 9,37: 38-XNUMX)

joy in pursuit

Pray that our brethren, like Jesus and the apostles, would stand firm in persecution and be a powerful witness among the unreached. (1 Peter 2,21:23-XNUMX)

God's Word rises

Pray that in various ways (spoken, written, illustrated) the word of God will reach the unreached and not return empty. (Isaiah 55,10:11-XNUMX)


Pray that unreached people may experience peace in their nations and in their hearts through reconciliation with God. (John 14,27:XNUMX)


Pray for unreached peoples to be freed from the spirit of fear and boldly embrace and proclaim the truth of the gospel. (2 Timothy 1,6:8-XNUMX)

fearless proclamation

Pray that believers will proclaim the good news clearly, understandably, against all odds, and seize every opportunity to expand God's kingdom. (Colossians 4,2:6-XNUMX)


Pray that God would unite the church through His Spirit and enable her to fulfill His commission to reach all the peoples of the earth. (John 17,20:23-XNUMX)

Against religiosity

Pray for unreached peoples to understand that the hope of forgiveness and acceptance from God is only available through the act of Jesus on the cross. (1 Corinthians 1,18:XNUMX)

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