3 Helps to a evangelistic Lifestyle

In the first chapter of Romans (Rom.1,14:16-XNUMX) Paul lists three reasons why we preach the gospel; First off of Love, because it is necessary for people to be saved, secondly from the standby to be used by God, and thirdly Freedom, because we are not ashamed of the good news. We have 3 guides to an evangelistic lifestyle for you.

The Holy Spirit

In the Bible we read that we can receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and that HE is the POWER in us to be a witness (Acts 1,8:XNUMX). He is the most important person in evangelism (John 18,8.13:11,13-XNUMX). Have you received the Holy Spirit and are you living in His power? Or do you live out of your own strength / soul? The Holy Spirit wants to strengthen and guide you every day so that you walk in his prepared works (Lk.XNUMX:XNUMX)

Action Step: Lass für dich beten, damit du in der Fülle und der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes läufst. Oder bete selber für jemanden damit er die Kraft empfängt ein Zeuge zu sein. Lebe aus der Beziehung mit dem Heiligen Geist heraus und besprich alles mit ihm. Dies kannst du durch Fragen die du im Gebet an Gott richtest und das hören auf Eindrücke (Röm.8,16).

The workout

Many people do not know how to share the good news and are therefore shy and reserved when it comes to preaching the best and good news. For fear of not being able to answer a question, they choose to remain silent. Be trained in witnessing and preaching the best of the gospel. Practice it together in a familiar place such as your home church, among friends, etc. Den Practice creates masters. The training brings you security and helps you to overcome your fear. Because the Good News is simple and effective!

Action Step: Lass dich trainieren und gehe anschliessend regelmässig mit Christen auf die Strasse um trainiert zu bleiben. Wir führen regelmässig Evangelisations-Trainings in Kleingruppen, Jugendgruppen oder Gemeinden durch. Du darfst uns einfach in deine Gemeinde, oder dein Wohnzimmer einladen!

Measurable goals

As with everything in this world, it is the same in this area. If you don't choose to share the gospel, it won't happen. Set measurable goals by making a list of who you want to share the gospel with. She keep you on track and you will see a difference in your life and your environment in a few weeks. Start today. You can start in your environment, acquaintances, friends, work colleagues or you can talk to a stranger about Jesus on the street in a playground etc. Both are possible and necessary.

Action Step: Mache eine Liste, wem du noch diese Woche von Jesus erzählen willst. Teile deine Entscheidung mit jemandem aus deiner Gemeinde, deinem Mentor, geistlichen Vater/Mutter der bei dir nachfragt ob es geklappt hat. Fang an für diese Personen täglich zu beten, insbesondere dass Gott dir Gelegenheiten gibt Zeugnis zu geben.

We wish you lots of love, joy and fruit in sowing and reaping.

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