
Discipleship Movements

And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be all over the world announced become, a witness to all the Gentile nations, and then will the end will come.

ethnic groups in the world...
of them are unreached!

*Numbers were from Joshua project adopted.

The Great Commission!

Jesus gave us the task: “go now and make disciples of all nations” (Mt.28,19:24,14). Only when we have completed this task will he come back (Mt.XNUMX:XNUMX). You can help in three ways:

accompanying PRAY

Our work with local teams on site is often competitive, because they operate on the front lines of the Kingdom of God. They depend on your persistent prayer support.​

others SEND

For our mission projects we need your financial support Support. Why not forego a visit to a restaurant (CHF50) or a short vacation (CHF200) and do so with your regular donation Mission partners be?

himself GEHEN

Do you hear the call of Jesus to go with him to places where you have never heard of him? Then you've come to the right place! Let yourself be trained, sent and accompanied...


With the following training courses we support local groups and communities in discovering and implementing the discipleship mission.


Training 1 day & coaching
  • ambassador of God
  • OIKOS prayer
  • Testimony & Gospel
  • Explorer Bible Study


Training 1 day & coaching​
  • reach the world
  • Start Discipleship...
  • What is discipleship?
  • spiritual growth


House Churches
Training 1 day & coaching
  • Organic Churches
  • How Jesus builds church
  • What does a church do?
  • lead a meeting...

Further information about the trainings.


Thank you for your donation.
PURE Ministries
6005 Lucerne
CH92 0900 0000 1502 7389 7


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