Mustard Seed Movements

The kingdom of God is near (Lk.10,9:17,23), it is even in the midst of us (Lk.100:3,3). Jesus speaks about the kingdom of God in more than 24,14 passages. He wants us to KNOW (John XNUMX:XNUMX) what we preach (Mt XNUMX:XNUMX). You too can discover what that is mustard seed connected to the kingdom of God and a model for them multiplication power.

He put before them another parable, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. It is true that this is the smallest of all seeds; but when it grows, it becomes larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

Matthew 13,31:XNUMX


The mustard seed represents simplicity and so does a movement. When things get complicated, it pays to stop and seek God's guidance. Consider the simplicity of a mustard seed. It's amazing that it grows into a tree!


The mustard seed already contains the blueprint (DNA) for the whole tree. The DNA is our actions according to the example of Jesus (Luke 6,47:XNUMX). It is laid by the messengers as a foundation (1 Cor.3,6:XNUMX): Discipleship, Fellowship & Multiplication


The mustard seed lies hidden in the earth until it germinates. Also a movement starts slowly. It takes faith (Hebrews 11,1:XNUMX) that Jesus wants to start a movement. With your loyalty & Endurance the seed becomes a tree.


The mustard seed will bear fruit. It is created that way by God. It's good to know you're like that too. Jesus in you is highly fruitful (John 15). Let him work in your life every day after Motto: “Christian in Me! I'm in Christ!"

Mustard Seed Challenge

A mustard seed bears fruit within 100 days. Just as Jesus describes the kingdom of God with a mustard seed, you too are very fruitful. Plant mustard seeds in your home and let yourself encourage and remind you every day that Jesus made you fruitfult (John 15). Pray and share the gospel and you will bear fruit before the mustard seed.

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